
Experience Colombia's rich history, ocean views and vibrant culinary scene.

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The Climate

In the north of Colombia, located on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, you will find the fabled city, Cartagena. Cartagena is the capital of the department of Bolívar and it has a population of about 1,075,000. The climate is very pleasant, with an average temperature of 25 to 30 degrees Celsius (between 77 degrees F and 86 degrees F), day and night.


The Culture

Cartagena is Colombia’s cultural center steeped in Spanish Colonial Architecture. Large cathedrals, colorful buildings, cobbled stone streets can be found throughout the city, which is surrounded by a massive protective wall built to defend against pirates and invading armies.

Cartagena is very famous for its world class restaurants and gastronomic experience. For example, a favorite dish in the city is Ceviche, which is simply a cocktail of different kinds of raw fish. Furthermore, Cartagena is famous for its harbor, forts and a group of monuments, which are also on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Who wouldn't want to volunteer in Cartagena, a beautiful, typically Colombian city, with its beautiful views and unique nightlife?


The Experience

Although Cartagena is a beautiful and charming city, locals are in great need for help. Your work in this amazing city will be greatly appreciated and you will come to love the people, the history and the energy of this city. There is always something new to discover and learn in Cartagena.